Nancy Hollen – Cotopaxi Colorado

Cotopaxi is a community of a mixture of types of houses and vacant land. In the area close to the river are numerous older houses on small parcels, and then as you go outside of this little community you will find property that is 2 to 10 acres, and then going even further away are “35 acre plus” parcels for those who really want a lot of privacy.

The Cotopaxi General Store is a gathering place for the locals as well as visitors to our area.

The school for Howard, Coaldale and Cotopaxi students is located in Cotopaxi and is for all grades from Preschool thru 12th Grade.

Classrooms are small and everyone knows each other. The teachers really care about the students and are very involved in the activities. What is really great is not only the high academic excellence of the school, but the fact that any student who wants to be involved in sports or other activities can be on the “team”. No one is left out.